![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() so there's this guyso picture this, I'm like 12 years old, I'm on Google+ completely unironically and I find this 1 group that pretends to be really young kids roleplaying as Sonic OCs who "steal" art (by literally using the reshare feature), make dedicated story comics and videos, make rant posts against people they don't like, rap in a really shitty way, and more. those were called the Otakus, there was JAYtheblackotaku, Kevinthecoolotaku, Carter, TREYtheredotaku, Drakethedarkdestructor, TOMtherobototaku, and then there was me. I was ADAMthegalacticotaku, if you ever had the horror of witnessing this phase, I'm painfully sorry.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I do not look back on my behavior at that time fondly, because I was a little fucking shit. what I DO look back on fondly was the plotlines and character shit I made for the bit. it's all a strange mixture of innocent and edgy, so childlike and nostalgic. I never unironically had my own recolor Sonic OC, so I was tapping into something I missed out on in my childhood, and god this is amazing. you got Adam, the artificial lifeform made to be evil but escaped and found his own life, given superpowers from a test gone wrong, and then made into a cyborg after a horrific injury. his best friend and kinda brother Jacob, a prototype that was abused by his creator to harness his powers of light. Axe, the cool guy school best friend who knows more than he lets on. the Trolls, any army of trickster soldiers that are bent on destroying OC kind. Sonic.exe, the demonic minion of Satan who threatens the world daily. and then there's more characters that I'm not gonna mention. it's all stupid, needlessly complicated, tropey, contrived, self-serving, and more. I love it. everyone's either a recolor, a character from another series, or just weird drawn garbage. every location and object is from Google Images or awful original drawings. every character uses a different, sometimes unreadable font, because Undertale. composition doesn't exist. editing is done with Windows Movie Maker. music are either MIDIs or from other games. animations are horribly paced and never frequent. the plot goes at breakneck speeds. the dialogue is full of errors. completely needless segments and narration are littered throughout the series. every event basically morphs to serve the main character. no deep conflict appears. everything is 100% awful and it's made for it. this shit is so nostalgic to me god damn, reminds me of when I could joke around so much. I do actually have some bios left over in my computer, lemme get them. spoilers for the series if you somehow care.
Name: Project ADAMNickname: AdamAge: 10 Birhtday: April 12 2010 Gender: Male Speices: Artifisial fox Bio: Adam was an artifcial being made by dr Droxxen he was an evil experiment to hunt down his targets after Axe's attakc. He was made using dna from the Otakus obtianed from sevreal fights and grown in a tube. what Droxen didn't expect was his inteligence Adam had a programable mind but his wil overtook his programing. Droxxen told Adam his purpouse and Adam hesistated to obay him. Droxen then thretened to kill adam, he had a remote that forced Adam to do everythin he siad. he held his fingre over the remote, but before he could pres it Axe broke in and atacked Droxxen. the remote flew out of his hand and Axe told Adam to run. Adam quikly ran of into an escsape pod and landed on earth. meanwhile Axe acesed Droxen's supercomputer that was stil conected to Adam's mind, he opened a program that ereased Adams memorys and put him in a short coma. a vilage found his body and kept him safe meenwhile with only a short time left befor his conection between the computer and ADam's mind, he inplanted false memorys that said that Adam had 2 parents that left him to fihgt in a war, and they left him in the vilage. after doing that Axe destroyed the computer, giving Adam full free will. adam woke up in the vilage with amensia but slowly leerned his false memorys. he beleved he witnesed a batle betweeen Coldsteel Sonichu and Harry potter Obama Sonic against Sonic and shadow and that made him want to be like the trio. years later he got kidnaped by Dr Egman, eggman heard about Droxxen's programable creaton so he took him in his sleep. he prepared a laser that would both reprogram his mind to maek him his slave and increse his power but it failed and adam's otaku powers awakened such as, sumonable magic wepons, fast speed, high jump, energy blasts, energy shields and more. he escaped and ran into solders of the Troll Army, who have been also hunting him down to kil him. he was able to reuinite with Droxen, who atempted to convinse him to join his side. Adam kiled him, in the proces he lost an arm, an leg, and an part of his face. Jacob was able to replase his lost body with robot parts, and Adam befrended him. he's made many friends he's made many enemes, but his main goal is to protect people like him. Persunalety: chill, liad bakc, relaxd, calm Galaxy Fury FormGalactic Fury Adam is a form that Adam acheeves because of intense rage, hes faster, stronger, and more powerful in every way. Hes so powrful that he can create nuclear explosons by snaping his fingers, blast a lasers out of his hands that could destroy planets, and cause many natrual disasters. although he doesnt go into this form becaus of the fact that he dosnt usualy get this angry. also he gets super space birds that can atack for him.Reptile Blood Master FormReptile Blood Master Adan was made frum Adan bein infected with reptile blood, but do tu ADams powers, it bonded with him, making this form. he can use blood bassed attacks and reptile atacks, he can even infect others with reptile blood butt insted of turnin them evil they become more powerful. this form can even overlap with Galactic Fury ADAM...Name: JACOB the Light DefenderNickname: JacobAge: 10 Birhtdai: June 18 2010 Gendre: Male Speices: Squirrel Bio: after Adam escaped Droxen's ship, Droxen tried to surpasss him by creating a light based being called Jacob. Howver a malfuncton happpend and Jacob was made unknown and unawarer of his abilites. Dorxxen tried to train Jacob but it all failed. after weeks Droxen planed to kill Jacob after bringing Adam to his side, but then ADAM kiled him. then JACOB became stronger and stronger after becoming friends with adam, he found out his powers came from friendship. he is adams right hand man and will always help him out. Name: Project AxolotlNickname: AxeAge: 11 Birhtdai: Feburary 2 2009 Gender: Male Speices: Robot Bio: created by Dr Bright, originaley a robot used in hospitles, it was companion for the patients and would also carry out deeds from the patients. but because of Dr Brights rivarly with Droxxen, somthing terible hapend. Droxxen raided Brights lab and destroyed the lab and killled Bright, Axe was the only thing to survive. Axe was so angry from the raid that he desidsed to improve himself, he went from a hospitle robot to a fihgting robot. he gave himself weapuns, armor, and trained in varios arts to defeet Droxxen. he started by blowing up Droxxens base, he then herd about the creaton of ADAM, and he new exactly what ti do. he snuk into Droxxens spaceship where ADAM was bein raised and broke Adam out as Droxen was about to kill him, he then replasd his memorys so he would never be like Droxxen. now hes works with Adam in his base, fighting evil and savinh others. Name: SonichuAge: 28Birhtday: 20 April 1992 Gender: Male Speices: Sonichu Bio: Sonichu 1 day heard about a band of trols that were making waves nad atacking ocs acros the country. he left his home and went off to find this group and put an end to them.n on his way towrads. a burned nieghborhod he found Hops scared and confused with everyopne he knew kiled by the trols. sonichu wanted to help the lost child so he took him wtih him. then Coldstel came along and joined in with them. the 3 then found their way into Adams vilage and were able to stop an invading clan of trols at the cost of HOps life. Sonichu stil lives his best but thinks aobut how he could save Hops. Name: Coldsteel the HedgehegNickname: ColdsteelAge: 15 Birhtday: April 20 2005 Gender: Male Speices: Hedgeheg Bio: coldsteel was born with a special power. he was stronger than all his classmates in the sonic fighting academy. he served in the sonic military fighting shadow and in the final battel against shadow they were fighting and shadow turned him to the darkness and coldsteel turned against sonic. he lost a part of his ear in the battle which is why he doesnt not have a part of his ear. after the battle Shadow told him to join him but Coldsteel refused and left in the darkness. he resented Sonic and his firends and went to live on his own on the road. on the way he met both sonichu and Hops. the 3 teemed up to track down and destroy the Troll Amry. this led them to the vilage were Adam lived, they found an invading group of trolls and a fihgt broke out betwen the 2 groups. the 3 won, but Hops was kiled. in his depreson he raided an ancent ruin said to be able to revive the dead. acidentaly releesing the cloud of Darkness.
Nickname: Hops |